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VistaCup and VistaCup is the web presence and online shop of Austria Creativa 360 SL
Avenida Arias de Velasco 

29601 Marbella / Malaga



Steuer / Recht
Inscrita en el Reg. Mercantil de Málaga
NIF: B13661889

UID: ESB13661889



This website is your gateway to a virtual world full of exciting products and services. Are you ready to become a part of it? If so, we welcome you as a user of this site!

You agree that you are fully responsible for your access and use of this website. If you do not agree with our legal notices, it is better to leave the site and not use our services.

Access to this website is completely free - no subscriptions or registrations required!

Please note that our legal notices may change at any time to comply with legal requirements. These changes will take effect immediately upon publication.


Exclusion of liability

Would you like to stay up to date and receive useful information? Then you've come to the right place! We endeavour to provide you with relevant and up-to-date content. However, we cannot guarantee the correctness, accuracy and functionality of all data and services with absolute certainty. We therefore disclaim any liability for possible damages that may arise from incomplete, incorrect or outdated information. We also accept no responsibility for the possible suspension, deletion or malfunctioning of content or services. However, your suggestions and comments for improving our website are very welcome!


Intellectual property

All rights to the content of this website belong to Austria Creativa 360 SL. But what makes this content so special? The design, the texts, the photos, the graphics - everything belongs to Austria Creativa 360 SL, which proudly holds the exploitation rights.

The logos of other companies also have their place here, as they belong to their owners and kindly grant rights of use.

However, caution is advised! Access to this website does not mean that content may simply be copied, modified or sold. This requires the express written authorisation of Austria Creativa 360 SL. This material is protected by intellectual property laws and misuse can have serious consequences.



In accordance with the relevant case law, the use of a link may lead to liability if no express dissociation is made in this respect. The respective operators of these offers are responsible for the content of any links on this website. We expressly exclude liability for any third-party content and distance ourselves from these offers. We also exclude liability for the content of all third-party websites to which this website contains links. In this respect too, the operator expressly distances itself from all third-party content.


Applicable court

All relationships between users and Austria Creativa 360 SL are subject to Spanish legislation and will be interpreted accordingly. But honestly, who wants to end up in a conflict? In the event of a conflict, the parties submit to the courts and tribunals. These have jurisdiction at all times and whenever the applicable legislation allows. But why wait until the time comes? Voluntary submission to the courts and tribunals of Malaga would be much easier, wouldn't it? To request clarification or send a suggestion or comment, simply email It's worth playing it safe!

Picture credits
Adobe Photo Stock, WIX, Kari SheaUnsplash, vidmeo, Happy Glass, Shutterstock, Hardy Lohs, Austria Creativa 360 SL, Thomas Natter


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